Friday, January 16, 2009


to take a que from nature:
why should men form opinions?
deer don't have political parties.
wolves don't have political parties.
deer are all deer.
and wolves are all wolves.
some deer don't say,
"we want more foliage!"
and others,
"no, give it to the other species!"
they just are, and be, and eat.
quite simple.
and some wolves don't say,
"we want to eat deer!"
and others,
"we want to eat roadkill!"
and still others,
"we should all like the taste of man best!"
they just are, and be, and eat.
so while you sit there,
and yell
and cheer
for the man of the year won big.
and you sore losers
moan and groan
for our world may be in shambles.
we should all praise.
and sing.
for the sun has rose again.
we should all be happy
and wish the best for the men.
for we may not like our neighbors,
but we all must be deer.
or wolves.
as one.

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